Logging In with MFA

Review topics for important password hardening and MFA requirements.

To sign in:

  1. Enter your user ID and password in the corresponding fields.
  2. Click Sign In.

    If your password meets password hardening requirements you will be logged in. If your password does not meet password hardening requirements, the login window will alert you and explain the new password standards.

  3. If you have one MFA option available to you, this option will appear on the screen. If you have both MFA options available to you, then both options will appear in a menu and the system will prompt you to select one. Depending on your Login Policy, choices are:
    • Authenticator App: When enabled, the screen will prompt you to enter the Verification Code* from your authentication app. Retrieve the code generated by your authenticator app and enter the code in the Verification Code* field of this application. Click Verify.

    • Email: When enabled, this application sends a code to your email address. Retrieve the code sent to the email address that appeared on the screen and enter the code in the Verification Code* field of this application. Click Verify.

  4. A successful verification will log you in to this system.
  5. Optional - Try a different authentication method appears when both VCA and TOTP methods are built-in your Login Policy. Click the link to try a different authentication method.