Registering Your Device for TOTP MFA

An authentication application such as Google Authenticator is required to register your device for TOTP MFA.

To register your device...

  1. Log in to this application to open the Multi-Factor Authentication screen.
  2. Choices are:
    • Scan the QR Code using the authenticator application.

    • Enter the Account Name and Secret Key as shown (case and space sensitive).

  3. Once you have successfully registered your device, the authentication application will generate a code.

    Enter the code in the Verification Code field as quickly as possible because these codes expire; when so, use the next generated code.

  4. Optional - select By checking this box, the system will not require the entry code from this browser and computer with each login.

    After seven days, the system will require a new code.

  5. Click Register.

    The device is registered and you can now generate codes as a second step during each subsequent login, in addition to your username and password.

  6. Optional - Try a different authentication method appears when both VCA and TOTP methods are available and you can select the link to try another authentication method.