Work Code: Accrual Field Descriptions

Field Name Accrual Panel Field Description
Accrual Group Displays a list of Accrual Groups. An Accrual Group links and tracks the selected work codes and their related accrual balances.
  • Work codes of type working with the same Accrual Group identifier will increase the accrual balance.
  • Work codes of type non-working with the same Accrual Group identifier will decrease the accrual balance.

In application version 7.5.2 this field name changed from Accrual to Accrual Group and displays the name of the Accrual Group rather than the number.

Type Tracks work code records in Hours or Count.
  • Hours: Calculates the number of hours that are added (earned) or subtracted (taken) in an Accrual Group. Most common setting.
  • Count: Calculates the number of occurrences that an employee earns or takes from an Accrual Group. This is used when the number of instances rather than hours taken is tracked.
Rate Defines the rate at which to accrue time in either Count or Hours for the selected work code. This is a multiplier used to determine the actual amount of hours that will be added or subtracted in the Accrual Group. The default and most common rate is 1.

Example 1: Suppose Compensation Time-Earned has an hourly rate of 2. A total of 24 hours of this work code have been added to the person’s Calendar. This transaction results in 48 hours banked (24 hours multiplied by the rate of two, totals 48 hours).

Example 2:Suppose Compensation Time-Earned has an hourly rate of 1.5. Compensation Taken has an hourly rate of 1. This means if the person works two hours of compensation time-earned they will earn three hours of time-earned (1.5 hours multiplied by 2, totals 3 hours). When the employee takes time off, the rate taken deducts one hour of time-earned.

Max (Hours) Defines the maximum amount of Hours or Counts per person that is allowed for this Accrual Group in the defined Period; the excess accrued balance is ignored. There is no default for this field, meaning no default cap on the number of hours or counts accrued. The Max hours fields allows hours or instances up to the maximum defined by the work code for the Period specified.

The Max field appears when a working type work code is selected.

Min (Hours) Defines the minimum amount of Hours or Counts (blank = 0) a person is allowed to drop down to for this Accrual Group within the defined Period. A negative value will allow a person to take hours not yet accrued. The default for this field is 0 (blank) which means that a person can only take what they have accrued.

The Min field appears when a non-working type work code is selected.

Period (Months) Defines a recurring period in months for the Accrual Group. This number is used by the Carry field. The period starts on the Since date. This field is typically set to 12 months. A blank entry in this field designates an infinite Period.
Carry Defines the number of hours or counts that can transfer from one period to the next. The number should be the same for the working and non-working work codes in the same Accrual Group. The default value is blank; this allows for all hours or counts to carry over into the next period. The Period and Since date field must be properly defined to accurately carry over.

Example: Suppose that you can carry over eighty hours of Compensation Time-Earned to the New Year (01/01/2018 mm/dd/yyyy). The Period is set to 12 months. The Since date is the start of the New Year (01/01/2018 mm/dd/yyyy). The Carry field is set to 80.

NOTE: Only yearly or monthly deposits can be set in this application when importing balances from a different application. For example...

At the beginning of every month accruals are imported with each subsequent balance import overriding the previous imported balance. To accomplish this, the Period must be set to 1 (meaning, one month). The Carry is 0 (zero means carry nothing over because another application is the master accrual keeper). The Since date is the start of the desired month.

Since Defines the start date of the Period. This is a date field used with the Period (Months) field which determines when an accrual balance starts. Any records prior to the given date are ignored. This application will only consider hours that are granted after this date. For example, suppose that Sick Time-Earned drops to zero hours on January 1st. The Carry field is set to zero. The Period field is twelve months. The Since date is 01/01/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy). This means, starting in January allow time earned and time taken to increment and decrement in the Accrual Group (the bank) for a twelve month period staring January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, and then zero out “the bank” (Accrual Group) come January 1, 2011.
Effective Defines when the Hours or Count associated with a work code become available for use when calculating accrual balances. The date value in this field is transferred to the work code. The Effective Date can be modified on a work code for a specific date using Edit Without Rules. If no date is supplied then the assumed Effective Date is the Calendar Date of the staffing work code record.

Application Behavior: The Effective date is used on a working type work code to define the date the system will permit the person to request or deduct time-off from available Hours or Counts. This field is typically blank in a working type work code to indicate the date the work code was placed on the calendar is the date available for the employee to use.

The Effective date is used on a non-working type work code to define the date the Hours or Count are deducted from the Accrual Group balance. A default date value is set so that when a request is made in the future, the time taken counts against the accrual balance immediately.

Requests Too Defines when to deduct a work code request from the Accrual Group balance.
  • Yes - includes work code records that are pending approval. Meaning, subtract time immediately from the Accrual Group balance when a person submits a request.
  • No - excludes work code records that are pending approval. Meaning, do not subtract the time from the Accrual Group if the work code has not been approved.
  • Future - includes approved work code records and future requests. Meaning, subtract time immediately from the Accrual Group when a work code request is approved, and also subtract time for future work code requests.