Deploy, Copy, Edit Units

The standard Unit Deploy function in this application allows authorized users to deploy a single Unit, an Event Type, and an Extra Unit.

The standard event staffing features in this application allows a single unit to be deployed at a time. The Extra-Duty Staffing module, released in application version 7.4, is an advanced event scheduling module that allows a single event to carry multiple units, multiple shifts, contains invoicing capabilities and more.1 This topic focuses on the standard unit deploy features.

A unit is a function of the Roster that enables authorized users to:

The Edit function enables authorized users to quickly select and edit all personnel on the selected unit. To edit a Unit, select any staffing record within the unit. Right-click on the staffing record, and select Unit > Edit.

The Copy function enables authorized users to copy a selected Unit with its selected staff members onto another Roster day. To copy a unit, select a staffing record on a unit. Right-click on it, and select Unit > Copy to copy the selected unit with the people on that unit to an extra unit on another Roster day.

Deploy... represents any staffing occurrence outside the realm of normal daily staffing and can be expected or unexpected staffing needs that require additional deployment.

Events are either configured in Setup with preset positions, or user-defined positions as needed.

When an Event displays preset positions, this means the underlying Unit was created in Setup with predefined positions. When this Event is deployed on the Roster, the preset positions automatically appear.

When a position displays a plus sign in the position menu box of the Deployscreen, then that position was configured in Setup with the Special Deploy Only option checked, and will appear on the Roster when deployed.

When an Event is configured with user-defined positions, a Unit is defined in Setup without preset positions. Instead, the Position(s) specified during deploy check box is selected in the configuration, and when selected this allows users to define and deploy positions instantaneously on the Roster. These Events display an{e} next to the name of the Unit. These events are also known as{e}Units. The curly braces surrounding an {e} denotes a Unit with Positions Specified During Deploy selected. The curly braces with an abbreviation in the center {ETWEU}denotes an Event Type that contains an {e} Unit in Setup.

How authorized users can deploy an Event is dependent on the configuration of Units and Event Types in the application.

Events can be deployed as and Event Type, or Special Deploy.

1 The Extra-Duty Scheduling license is required to access the module.