About Fill By Rules

Fill By Rules provides an automated list of qualified candidates for the purpose of manual staffing. Variable levels of automation are available using Fill By Rules, Outbound, Auto-Hire, and Auto-Assign.

The Fill By Rules (FBR) panel does not contain Outbound capabilities of type vacancy, notification, and roster alarms. The Outbound feature available when clicking on a vacancy automatically runs FBR and contacts candidates with either a work offer or an assignment. Auto-Hire and Auto-Assign jobs are also available to further automate your staffing process.

The Outbound All People is available as of version 5.4.6 or subsequent versions of 6.3. Outbound All People is used for Outbound of type Message only and allows staffers to send a message to a list of candidates shown on the FBR table. This means if in Options you have selected to show only the First 10 candidates or the First List of candidates, then Outbound Message will be limited to that set of candidates.

The FBR screen contains the following panes:

  1. Positions: Identifies the vacancy. When multiple vacancies are selected, the rules process each vacancy independently to prevent over staffing. Positions sort in fill priority order by default. The red bell icon indicates a vacancy and a gray bell icon indicates a staffed position. To change the sorting criteria use Sort By. To review Contact Log activity click Log...
  2. Fill By Rules: Displays qualified employees in the order configured by your organization for the target date and vacancy time period of the position. The list displays in real-time so you may find that upon refreshing the panel a different list of candidates show on the table. This is because rules can be configured with time dependencies which means the time of the day, day of the week, whether or not a holiday or special day and so on - affect the outcome; this in addition to real-time changes in people’s availability statuses throughout the day. The Fill By Rules panel contains many features to help staffers limit and analyze the information within view as shown in the image below: