Apply Fill By Person

The user must have the security permission Roster: People Filter Assignment granted to enable this feature.

The Fill By Person function schedules personnel from the People Filter list.

The Qualified Pass or Fail function is available in Fill by Person, and always active irrespective of whether or not Qualified Pass or Fail is selected on the Roster View. Job title and specialty validation are based on the requirements of the position relative to the person’s qualifications for the target date. For additional information see topic: About Qualified Pass or Fail (Yellow Triangle)...

In a Dimensions integration only applicable and available cost centers appear for each person as selectable items in the Account menu. Cost Centers are retrieved from Dimensions using the Workforce Dimensions Data Import Task, and stored in this application as of version 7.1.14+, 7.2.5+, and 7.3.1+. For additional information see topic, Workforce Dimensions Data Import Task.

To use Fill By Person on the Roster:

  1. Locate the vacancy to be filled.
  2. Click the People Filter to show the personnel list.
  3. Select a person from the list to fill the vacancy.
  4. Click the position column next to the vacancy, select Fill By Person.
  5. Review details, and choose a work code. Optional - To make the selected work code the default work code for subsequent fills select Fill from now on.
  6. Click Save.