Resolving is, generally, the process of selecting an
Auction Item's winner or winners. Resolving is performed in three
separate ways, manual without rules, manual with rules, or automatic; the
latter two are initiated by the auction manager.
- Manual without Rules: This is the manual process
in the literal sense, where the user chooses an Auction Item’s winner
of their own accord (without using the Rules). This allows an auction
manager the ability to override the Rules, and designate a bidder
as the winner of a Preference type auction item as they choose.
- Resolve Manually...: This is the manual process where
the auction manager chooses an Auction Item’s winner using the Rules
for the purpose of solving configuration issues without having to
submit the entire auction and wait for the auction to complete in
order to review the outcome of the auction. Resolve Manually...
allows a user to resolve one person at a time, allowing administrators
to review and tweak the auction without waiting for the entire auction
to run it’s course.
- Rules: This is the configured process of letting the
auction’s defined Rules determine who will be the winner for any
given Auction Item or for all Auction Items in an entire auction. In
this method, the manager only initiates the process, the interface
automatically chooses the appropriate staff member(s) for winners
of an Auction Item and creates the required win records. For step
by step instruction on Resolving an Auction by Rules, follow the
steps outlined in the Resolving Processtopic.