Award Winners...

To award the auction items to the winners:


After the completion of the award phase, the auction items awarded are visible in the corresponding area. For example, time-off work codes are visible on the Calendar and new assignments are visible in the person’s Assignment tab.

Removing the awarded items using this function removes the record and resets the status of that auction item within the Bidding module only.

Important: This function does not remove the auction item placed on the person’s Calendar or the person’s Assignment tab. These items must be manually removed.

  1. Go to the Bidding area.
  2. Go to the Manage area of the applicable Auction.
  3. In the Auction Item pane, click the Auction drop-down box.
  4. Click Award winners....
  5. The Award Winners confirmation screen shows. Review the bids by person. Choices are:
    • Accept All Bids for the corresponding person.
    • Accept each bid for the corresponding person.
  6. Click OK.

    Any auction item configured as No Award will be omitted from the awarding process.