How to Change the Visibility of Auction Items

To change the visibility of auction items, such as dates and positions.

  1. Go to Setup > Bidding.
  2. Select the applicable Auction.
  3. The visibility and biddable settings are configured at either the Parent or Child level (these are auction items).
  4. Select the Parent or Child level or levels to change the visibility of the selected auction items:
    • Select one auction item and open the auction item’s properties window. In Visible Condition, select Is Not Visible.

    • Select all or multiple auction items and click Edit to enable the multi-edit mode. Click on any one of the selected auction items to open the auction properties screen. In the Visible Condition drop-down box, select Is Not Visible.

    Use caution when changing the Visibility function. Be sure to edit the visibility options within the drop-down box and not the contents within the Visible Condition field. This is especially important in a Position auction where the system auto-generates the position condition, such as PERSONHASJOBTITLE(#) in the Visible Conditions field. In the multi-edit mode, this condition remains in the field but not visible in the interface. In multi-edit mode, changing the visible condition within any one of the selected auction items will change ALL of the selected items. For example, see images below.

  1. ClickSave.