Reset Auction Turn (Manager)

Requires full access to the Manage Bidding area.

To reset the Auction Turn back to Turn one (1), and optionally set all bidders’ turn to one (1):

  1. Go to the Bidding area.
  2. Click the Auction that contains the awarded items to be removed.
  3. Go to the Bidders List pane, locate and select the bidder(s) who have been awarded the auction items you want to remove.
  4. Click the profile menu in the Bidders List to show the Remove awards... function.
  5. Click Remove remove one, some, or all of the items awarded to the bidder(s).
  6. In Remove Awardees, review the auction items awarded. Select the auction items to remove.
  7. Click Save to confirm your selections.
  8. Go to the bidders affected by the change and remove the auction item(s) placed on their calendar or their assignment tab.