Multi-Day Filter Field Descriptions

Multi-Day Filter Options
  • Display: Contains display settings to create new, save, share, and set how and when records show.
  • Totals: Contains count thresholds.
  • Headcounts: Limits count thresholds by Job Title, Specialty, Group, and Can Act As.
  • Filter Sorts Further limits and sorts the records in a specific way.


Field Name New Assignment Field Description
Selected Filter Displays the filter in view; or use <Add New Filter> to create a new filter.
Filter Name* The name of the filter. Keep names concise and meaningful.
Available to All Users Allows other people with Multi-Day view rights to access this view. If unchecked, only the user who creates the view will have access to the selected view.

User must have Filters: Save to Database or Filters: Available to All Users1 permission to enable this setting.

Default filter Allows users to set their default filter on the Multi-Day view.
Hide Working in Another Area Hides Working in Another Area work code records. This feature removes the gray reference to the person’s shift assignment when that person is working outside of their shift assignment. This setting does not hide the person’s shift assignment where automatically displayed. Working in another area displays any working type record outside of the person’s regular shift assignment; for example, overtime, shift trade, training.
Note: In this application a person’s home assignment is the active shift assignment for the target day as defined in: Person > Assignment tab.
Include Blueprint(s) and job Allocation(s) Available when Scheduling Blueprints are turned on2. Displays where people are allocated; and whether or not they are allocated or available to fill a job using headcount totals and blueprint position totals. Selecting this check box includes the total number of unfilled blueprint positions in the totals tally. For example:
  • Suppose the Day Total shows 4/6, this means four people are scheduled, and six blueprint positions are unfilled. Same logic applies to Section Day, Weekly, and Section Weekly Totals.
  • Suppose the Job Title Headcount Totals for Steamfitter shows 4/6, this means four steamfitters are scheduled, and six Steamfitter blueprint positions are running that day. Same logic applies to Specialty, Can Act As, and Group.

A red alarm shows next to their scheduled record to denote the person is unallocated for X period of time.

First Day of Week Controls the start day of the week on the multi-day view for the selected filter when using weeks in view for Duration. Selecting Pay Information; or Month for Duration disables this feature.
Included content Used to include work codes with the following properties enabled in the headcount totals; otherwise excluded from the threshold.
  • Charge Codes
  • Hidden Codes
  • No Roster Impact
  • Signup Codes
  • Denied Codes
Group by Organization Groups the Multi-Day view by an Organizational level.
Group by Shift Groups the Multi-Day view by Shift; or Shift Group.
Duration Limits the view by a week, weeks, a month, or Pay Information.
Pay Information Limits the view by Pay Information. Pay Information is defined in Setup > General > Pay Information.

Total Display Max: Thirty-five days across the selected Pay Information and number of pay periods.

Number of Periods Limits the view by the selected number of pay periods available. Total Display Max: Thirty-five days across the selected pay periods.
Use FLSA Limits the view by FLSA period.

Total Display Max: 35 days across the selected Pay Information

Person Information Applies a Formula ID of type Person on the Multi-Day view below the person’s name.

This option overrides a Person Formula ID in person > Profile tab.

To create a Formula ID using other person data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Regular Duty Code Changes the default display of the Regular Duty type work code on the Multi-Day view using a Formula ID of type Position.

This option overrides a position Formula ID set at the position level of the Organizational structure.

To create a Formula ID using other data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Working Code Changes the default display of the Working type work code on the Multi-Day view using a Formula ID of type Position.

This option overrides a position Formula ID set at the position level of the Organizational structure.

To create a Formula ID using other data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Non-Working Code Changes the default display of the Non-Working type work code on the Multi-Day view using a Formula ID of type Position.

This option overrides a position Formula ID set at the position level of the Organizational structure.

To create a Formula ID using other data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Signup Code Changes the default display of the Signup type work code on the Multi-Day view using a Formula ID of type Position.

This option overrides a position Formula ID set at the position level of the Organizational structure.

To create a Formula ID using other data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Working in Another Area Changes the default display for working in another area type records using a Formula ID of type Position. Working in another area records show in a gray colored background with an icon that looks like two arrows pointing opposite directions to denote the person is working somewhere else. The formula ID controls the text shown not the shaded gray which is a fixed feature.

To create a Formula ID using other data variables and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.

Job Allocation Changes the default display for all blueprint staffing work code records on the Multi-Day view using a Formula ID of type Blueprint.

To create a formula ID and make it a selectable item in this menu-box go to Setup > General > Formula ID.


>> About Total Calculations <<
In application versions prior to v6.5.1 the Totals area factored Working and Regular Duty work code hours queried for each person. Additionally, only work codes configured with the ‘Roster headcount’ check box selected in Setup > Codes > Work Codes... are returned for the threshold to further process. In application version 6.5.1 Totals and Headcounts functionality was expanded to optionally include or exclude all or any Regular duty, Working, and Non-Working code as desired by Institution in Setup > Organization > Institution...

This means the Roster headcount check box logic in Setup > Codes > Work Codes... is no longer applicable in v6.5.1 when calculating whether or not a work code counts in Totals and Headcounts.

# Field Name Totals Field Description
1 Show Day totals Displays grand headcount totals for the day on the Multi-Day view. This total counts people once -across all of the sections for each day and based on the hours threshold.
  • Hours Count Threshold: - Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for each person in order to contribute to the Day Totals headcount.

EXAMPLES: Suppose the hours count threshold is set to 8...

  • A person works in section A for 4 hours, and works in section B for an additional 4 hours for a total of 8 hours. This person is counted in the Day Totals.
  • A person works in section A for 8 hours and then works overtime for 4 hours in Section B on the same day. This person is counted once in the Day totals.
2 Show Weekly totals Displays grand headcount totals for the week on the Multi-Day view. This total counts people once across all of the sections and days in view and based on the hours and working day count thresholds.
  • Hours Count Threshold - Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for each person in order to contribute to the Weekly Totals headcount.
  • Working Day Count Threshold -Sets the minimum number of days a person must work in order to contribute to the Weekly Totals headcount. This field works with the weekly Hours Count Threshold setting.
  • The hours count threshold is set to 8, and the working day count threshold is set to 3. A person works a total of 3 days, 2 days at 8 hours a day, and works 6 hours on another day for a total of three days. This person does not count toward the weekly totals because they failed the 8 hours a day rule for one of the three days.
  • The hours count threshold is set to 8, and the days threshold is set to 4. A person works 5 days for 8 hours each day, works 3 days in section A, and 2 days in section B. This person is counted in the weekly totals.
3 Show Daily Section Totals Displays daily headcount totals by section on the Multi-Day view. Each person counts once and the threshold must be met within that section for the person to be counted into the totals. This means, if a person has 8 regular duty hours, and 2 overtime hours then this person counts once if they meet or exceed the threshold.
  • Day Count Threshold- Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for each person in order to contribute to the Section Day Totals headcount.

EXAMPLES: Suppose the hours threshold is set to 8 hours with no shift break deductions...

  • A person is working on Monday for 4 hours in section A, and for another 2 hours outside of the section, section B. This person is NOT counted in either section for Monday.
  • A person is working 8 hours within a section on a shift without a lunch break subtraction. This person is counted into the section day totals.
4 Total scheduled hours per person Displays the total working hours for a person in a week.

If the person is working in multiple areas, such as regular duty in Area 1, and overtime in Area 2, then the headcount totals remain the same and appear in both places.

5 Show Weekly section totals Displays weekly headcount totals by section on the Multi-Day view.
  • Hours Count threshold- Used to set the minimum amount of hours per day in order to contribute to the Section Weekly Totals headcount.
  • Working Day Count Threshold - Used to set the minimum number of days a person must work in order to contribute to the Section Weekly Totals headcount.
  • The hours count threshold is set to 8, and the working day count threshold is set to 3. A person works a total of three days; works two days at 8 hours a day, and the works 6 hours on another day for a total of three days. This person does not count toward the weekly section totals because they failed the 8 hours a day rule for one of the three days.
  • The hours count threshold is set to 8, and the days threshold is set to 4. A person works five days for 8 hours each day; they work three days in section A, and then two days in section B. This person is not counted in either section because they failed the number of days in working count threshold for each section.


Headcount totals are used to show how many people of a certain job title or skill are working on a given day on the multi-day schedule. Headcount total options are by Job Title, Specialty, Group, and Can Act As.

The headcount totals are calculated by section for each day and must pass the hours threshold to pass into the headcount totals. Unlike the headcount totals offered on the Roster which are either always turned on or turned off, the Multi-Day View headcount totals are turned on by view (filter), this means you can have one filter that shows headcount totals by specific job titles, and another filter that shows headcount totals for another set of job titles and even include specialties and groups in the mix, making filter possibilities vast.

If Scheduling Blueprints are turned on, the headcount totals show the number of people over the number of blueprints for the same job title, specialty, group, or can act as job.

Field Name Headcount Field Description
Job Title Includes the selected Job Titles in the Headcount Totals.
  • Job Title Count Threshold- Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for the selected job titles to contribute to the Totals threshold.

Headcount totals show the number of people scheduled with the selected job title for the day within the section that pass the count threshold. If scheduling blueprints are turned on, the headcount totals show the number of people with the selected job title over the number of blueprint positions assigned the selected job title.

Specialty Includes the selected Specialties in the Headcount Totals.
  • Specialty Count Threshold- Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for the selected Specialties to contribute to the Totals threshold.

Headcount totals show the number of people scheduled with the selected specialty for the day within the section that pass the count threshold. If scheduling blueprints are turned on, the headcount totals show the number of people with the selected specialty over the number of blueprint positions assigned the selected specialty. A person or blueprint with multiple specialties counts once for each specialty.

Groups Includes the selected Groups in the Headcount Totals.
  • Groups Count Threshold- Sets the minimum amount of hours per day for the selected Groups to contribute to the Totals threshold.

Headcount totals show the number of people scheduled with the selected group for the day within the section that pass the count threshold. If scheduling blueprints are turned on, the headcount totals show the number of people with the selected group over the number of blueprint positions assigned the selected group. A person or blueprint with multiple specialties count once for each group.

Can Act As Includes the selected Can Act As job titles in the Headcount Totals.
  • Can Act As Count Threshold- Used to set the minimum amount of hours per day for the selected Can Act As job titles to contribute to the Totals threshold.

Headcount totals show the number of people scheduled with the selected can act as Job title for the day within the section that pass the count threshold. If scheduling blueprints are turned on, the headcount totals show the number of people with the selected can act as job title over the number of blueprint positions assigned the selected “Job Title”. A person holding multiple can act as matching job titles will contribute to the totals threshold for each instance that passes the counts threshold.

Filter | Sorts

Field Name Template Filter Field Description
Filter Limits the Multi-Day view by Person information. Multi-Day filters target person data derived by their assignment or staffing record - not the Roster. Filters return people who have at least one of the selections.
+Add (Filter) Creates a filter. Options are: Agency, Battalion, Station, Unit, Shift, Shift Group, Shift Mask, Job Title, Specialty

When selecting multiple organizational level items, such as Unit or a level above that, the application returns people who have at least one of the selected organizational levels in one of their active assignments.

  • All (AND) - All returns staffing records that match all of the selections.
  • Any (OR) - Any returns staffing records that match any of the selections.

For example, suppose that more than one Agency is selected, using ‘All’ means “and or in addition to”, using All will search for all of the selected items in one assignment . This means if Agency A and Agency B are selected the application will search for assignments that contain both Agency A and Agency B. If ‘Any’ is selected the application will search for assignments that contain Agency A or Agency B. The more filter options applied using ALL the tighter the search result.

EXAMPLE: To return people on Shift Day, or Shift Evening, use one filter. In Values select both Shift Day and Shift Evening and Apply both in one filter.

Sort Sorts the selected filters in a specific order.
+Add (Sort) Creates a sort. Options are: First Name, Last Name, Job Title Ordinal, Job Title, Opportunity Number, Unit Ordinal, Unit, User Defined Field (UDF), Station Ordinal, Station, Battalion Ordinal, Battalion, Agency Ordinal, Agency, Shift, Shift Group, Specialty
Note: Ordinal means the order number in which the selected item is placed in Setup and used to set the hierarchy for that item. For example, Rank Ordinal denotes where the selected rank is placed amongst other ranks in Setup > General > Rank.The application will sort by the job title’s ordinal number. The same logic applies to all ordinal sorts.
Apply Applies a filter for preview in this instance. Use this feature on a view that you want to momentarily use or alter, whether it be to show more or less information. After altering the view click apply to show your new query without overriding the settings of the initial view.
Save Saves filter limits and sort selections.
Cancel Exits the filter without applying, or saving any settings.
Delete Removes the filter.
1 Authority permission renamed in 7.5 from Filters: Save to Database to Filters: Available to All Users.
2 Blueprints are available with a Blueprint license.