Institution Focus is an add-on feature used by sizable organizations to manage multiple business operations (institutions) in a single database. Resources and staffing information from other institutions are segregated; essentially, their own entity.
When Institution Focus is turned on, a focus menu displays on the top right corner below the logged in user’s name. What appears inside the menu depends on various permission settings and whether those permissions are granted.
Typically, in an institution focus environment people have a Home Institution defined in the General section of their personal record.1 In addition to the Home Institution, some people may require access to institutions other than their home institution. Access to those other institutions are defined by Scheduled Into institutions. These additional institutions require special access, and these institutions can be defined using the Scheduled Into section located in the Institution tab of a person’s record. Simply put, a user can only see activity for the institution or institutions granted. In addition to the Home Institution and Schedule Into institutions, a user may require the ability to all institutions without limits, these super users have None focus which is granted by the Administrative permission in System > Authority Levels. For additional information see: Institution Focus Authority Behaviors
Important: Institution Focus requires an association between shifts and institutions. The system will alert you if one or more shifts have no institution association before Institution Focus functionality can be fully activated.
Institution Focus authorities can be tricky when getting started because of the nature of working in an environment where information is rigidly segregated by system access controls, known as Authority permissions and Authority Levels within this application. As such, when implementing institution focus users often find themselves asking...
Why are all or some areas of information accessible for some people and not for others?
Let’s take a look. To start, the authorities listed below contribute to what the user can access at a high level and essentially contributing to their overall application experience in an Institution Focus environment.2
The scenarios below assume three institutions:
*The person’s home institution is Institution One (i1) for the Focus Menu scenarios listed in the table below. Schedule Into denotes the Schedule Into menu found in the Institution tab of the person’s record when Institution Focus is turned on.
(IF: Scheduled Into)
Scenarios | Expected Result |
None, i1, i2, and i3 appear in the Focus menu. |
None, i1, i2, i3 appear in the Focus menu. |
None, i1, i2, i3 appear in the Focus menu. |
None, i1, i2, i3 appear in the Focus menu. |
None, i1, i2, i3 appear in the Focus menu. |
None, i1, i2, and i3 appear in the Focus menu. |