Setup Organization

The Organization area is used to create and maintain the following areas:

The Organization area defines the business structure and lays the foundation for other areas of the application including people assignments, security access levels, the layout of the Roster, and more. Depending on the business requirements and work flows, the business structure can be static or dynamic or both.

In a static environment the frequency of changes to the business structure are nonexistent or low. In a dynamic environment the activity in the business structure is high with frequent changes. Changes include new positions, position updates, new areas added or closed for a time period and so on.

Before building the organizational structure, it is very important to understand how the business structure is influenced by other areas of the application and vice versa; for instance, security permissions, rules, unassigned personnel, shifts, whether or not to link shifts to positions, where and when people work, where effective and end date fields are located2 and so on. These inputs affect the business structure reflected on the Roster.

The level of brainstorming and process review to design the business structure is significant. A carefully thought out organizational structure will prevent reconfiguring some or all areas of the business structure. It is recommended that all Organization concept type topics are reviewed along with the corresponding field reference topics before you begin building the business structure. In addition to a thorough review of Authority help topics, because authorities (system privileges) link to Organizational levels. If you have any questions or in doubt - please reach out to a Kronos application expert.

1 In Dimensions the Institution area is the Business Structure.
2 In Dimensions these dates are available at all levels of the Business Structure, however, this application holds an effective and end date only at the Station and Unit level.