Configure a Position

Review all Position concept and reference topics. A thorough understanding of position concepts and configuration scenarios is required before you begin to create positions to prevent or minimize configuration mistakes. Additional, and recommended topics include Assigning Shifts to Positions, and Unassigned Personnel

Customers using Dimensions create positions in this application using Primary Jobs managed in Dimensions. This means if a job is missing in the Rank menu, you will need to add the primary job in Dimensions and then synchronize the application.

Recommended Topics:

To edit, clone, or create a new Position inthe Organization section of the Setup area:

  1. Click the Unit that will hold the position. Select a position and click Editto modify; or select a position and click Clone to duplicate the position; or click Add to create a new position.
  2. Select a Rank for this position.

    Customers using Dimensions, when selecting a job in Rank, note the External ID tag. This is the tag that identifies the pay rule in Dimensions for the employee working the selected position.

  3. Enter the day this Position enables on the Roster inActive When. This field applies to newly created positions; not positions generated during the initial creation of the database. Both the Active When period and the Shift definition factor when this position appears on the Roster. This means, simply put, if the Active When starts on a Monday, and a shift definition starts on a Tuesday, then the position appears on the Roster on Tuesday.
  4. Configure the remaining settings as desired.
  5. Click Save.