About Unit Type

Unit Types count specialties. Use to meet minimum specialty requirements within units.

A red bell displays on the Roster to alert staffers when a unit falls short of a Unit Type required specialty.

For example, Unit 1 staffs three employees and only one of the three employees must have a paramedic specialty. Instead of creating a paramedic specialized position in Unit 1 use Unit Types to evaluate the entire unit before alerting staffers that a specialty is required because Unit 1 could have an ‘extra’ paramedic assigned which could be as a result of a shift trade, or a previous shift fill-in, or a variety of other reasons.

Best Practice
Place the specialty requirement at the unit level and allow the system to evaluate personnel specialties within the entire unit instead of a single position. Placing the specialty requirement at the position level creates an alarm each time that position requires backfilling regardless of whether that specialty may be met by someone else in the same unit.